News and updates


  • Annual report 2022-2023

    BCHRT’s Annual Report 2022-2023 has been filed with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and is now available to the public.

Recent news

  • 2017 updates

    November 1, 2017  There is a full time vacancy for the position of Tribunal Member coming available in January 2018. A posting is open now until December…

  • 2016 updates

    November 9, 2016  The Tribunal has posted information about compensation for injury to dignity, feelings, and self-respect, including case summaries.  October 20, 2016  The Tribunal received…

  • 2015 updates

    October 1, 2015  The Tribunal seeks a regular Legal Counsel. For more information on the position, deadlines and details on how to apply, go to BC…

  • 2014 updates

    December 9, 2014  The Tribunal has changed the judicial review page so that it now lists only those Tribunal decisions where there has been a court decision…

  • 2013 updates

    March 20, 2013  New Practice Direction: Hearing Recordings  March 4, 2013  The Tribunal’s Annual Report for fiscal year 2011-2012 was tabled in the Legislature on February 27,…